Author: admin

  • Blog Post 8

    Geospatial visualization and analysis have revolutionized the way we approach the study of history, reshaping the questions we ask and deepening our understanding of the past. One way in which geospatial visualization transforms historical questions is by illuminating patterns and connections that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. By mapping historical data onto geographical landscapes, researchers…

  • Blog Post 7

    Honestly while I was creating my maps and timeline it was probably one of the easier things I have done in this class. The sites that hosted the creation of these interactives all gave such good help explaining what to do. Personally I think that these visualizations have enormous benefits when added because for visual…

  • Blog Post 6

    Creating this exhibit has been extremely difficult but the accomplished feeling upon completing the website felt awesome. It started as just an idea in my head and became a fully functional website on the internet. Making a website is never something I saw myself doing but I am glad to have the experience. My overall…

  • Omeka CMS skills assessment link

  • Blog Post 5

    There are three main goals that I have for my website, to educate others, promote dialogue, and raise awareness on the Khalistan movement. I want to provide unbiased information on the topic in a way that lets people understand the facts and come to their own conclusions. I plan on including historical context, key events,…

  • Blog Post 4

    I don’t think that anyone truly owns the past. I think some just have more access to it than others. Copyright can restrict what people do with the work but the information is still out there after they publish whatever it is they post. For my website I opted to use the lowest restriction for…